The Three Adaptations to Social Situations

By Professor Tony Attwood One of the central characteristics of autism in DSM 5 is a deficit in social communication and social interaction. The social and interpersonal aspects of life…

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism

A research article review by Dr Michelle Garnett Since their separation as independent conditions, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSD) can be misconceptualised as mutually exclusive disorders. …

How to Cope with ‘Meltdowns’

By Professor Tony Attwood Those who have an Autism are prone to have a catastrophic reaction or meltdown when overly stressed, anxious or frustrated. The meltdown may be externalised, with…

Sexuality Education for Teenagers with Autism

Typical teenagers are usually very enthusiastic about lessons at school on sexuality, due to their own and their peers, developing sexual awareness. Any perceived deficits in formal sexuality education are…

Generalisation of Social Skills in the Real World

Social skills can be described as initiating and reciprocating interactions, understanding non-verbal communication and managing anxiety associated with social interactions.   Social skill deficits that have not been addressed can have…

Why Some Autistic Children Refuse School

By Professor Tony Attwood There are many aspects of being at school that are challenging and stressful for children and adolescents who have autism. This can lead to school refusal,…