Behaviour & Emotion Management for Children & Adolescents with ASD

  • 5 hours 45 mins
  • 30 days to complete course
  • Downloadable PDFs
  • Certificate of completion
  • Suitable for everyone

Course summary

Children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often struggle to understand and express emotions, resulting in high levels of anxiety, stress, anger and/or depression.

Conventional strategies that encourage emotion management for typical children do not seem to be as effective with those who have an ASD. The child’s quality of life, self-esteem and well-being will be influenced by their ability to manage emotions and difficulties with emotion management can lead to being suspended and having a notoriety that will affect the attitude of teachers and peers as well as the attitude of the child to themselves. 

Through several decades of working with children and adolescents with ASD and their families and schools, Michelle and Tony have discovered, developed and evaluated emotion management strategies based on Mindfulness and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy that have proven to be effective in assisting children with ASD to learn about, and manage, their emotions from anxiety to love.

Who will benefit?

  • Teachers, teacher aides, SEDU staff, school administration staff
  • Other professionals
  • Parents, carers and family members who support a child or adolescent with ASD to attend school

What will I be able to do as a result of taking this course?

By the end of the course participants will be able to understand the reasons children and adolescents with autism commonly experience strong emotions (for e.g. anxiety, anger and depression), how these strong emotions present behaviourally, and how to effectively manage strong emotions.

Learning objectives

  • Understand why children and adolescents with ASD have emotion management difficulties
  • Recognise how anxiety presents behaviourally for a child or adolescent with ASD
  • Gain strategies to manage intense anger in a child with ASD
  • Know how to deal with challenging behaviour
  • Understand and support strategies to assist a child or adolescent with ASD to overcome depression
  • Utilise anxiety management strategies to assist a child with ASD to feel calmer at school

Module breakdown

Module 1

Focus: Understanding the behaviour and emotion management problems of autism

Objective: Participants will be able to understand the potential reasons behind emotion management problems and challenging behaviour for children and teenagers with autism. Participants can generate hypotheses about why the individual is dysregulated or defiant and use their hypotheses to inform their behavioural plan

Module 2

Focus: Recognising anxiety and anger, how both emotions often underpin behaviour problems in autism and how to manage anger and anxiety in the classroom and beyond

Objectives: Participants will be able to recognise high levels of anxiety in their autistic individuals, and the triggers for this anxiety. Participants will be able to establish clear expectations of pro-social behaviour, including those on the autism spectrum. Participants will be able to understand and begin to plan to implement strategies to manage children experiencing high levels of anxiety 

Module 3

Focus: Explicitly teaching about emotions and social awareness in the classroom and beyond

Objective: Participants can recognise the early signs of escalating behaviour in individuals with autism. Participants can explicitly teach social and emotional awareness in the classroom and beyond

Module 4

Focus: Preventing and managing violent or potentially violent episodes

Objectives: Participants will have a plan to implement strategies for preventing and managing violent or potentially violent episodes with individuals

What our participants say