We describe the history of PDA and outline current international definitions and understanding of this autism subtype. Recent research literature on PDA is reviewed. The participant will learn about two potential caregiver report measures to assist them to detect PDA. PDA-specific challenges for the PDA child are described. The current best-recommended approach for PDA at school, home and in therapy is presented. Participants will learn how to develop a relationship with a person with PDA, practical tips for improving communication, how to assist with their emotional understanding and growth, how to increase their positive self-identity, to manage meltdowns, and the best resources for parents, teachers, and therapists for PDA. The content is highly relevant for parents, teachers, and health professionals.
The workshop includes a combination of talking, participant activities and Q&A. Participants attend via link to a live presentation. They have access to a chat room where they can ask questions at any time. There is an opportunity to learn from workshop participants, as well as the trainers.
Event Trailer
“It was an absolute delight watching these two discussing the complexities of PDA. You could tell their information was coming from a wealth of experience but also from a place of genuine compassion.”
“I have been a psychologist for over 20 years, and I have attended many conferences, both in person and virtually. This, by far was the most interesting and informative talk I have heard in decades. I feel like I have learned so much. Thank you!”
“Love your clear, earthed, understanding and presentation and clear compassion towards children and families. We have not found it easy to find people with the understanding you have and have struggled a lot and now have a 24-year-old son who we would love to seek more advice how to address some of the very unresolved issues.”
“Very practical and informative information, I practically find the strategies useful and the background in research.”
“Thank you, I have been desperate for some understanding in this area, as my daughter has just been identified as having a PDA profile. I am euphoric, I may now be able to support her. It is helpful to understand PDA from how my daughter views the world.”
About the speakers
Prof Tony Attwood PhD With a remarkable career spanning five decades, Professor Tony Attwood is one of the world’s foremost specialists on Autism. Holding an Honour’s degree in Psychology from the University of Hull, a Master’s degree in clinical psychology from the University of Surrey, and a PhD from the University of London, his credentials are a testament to his expertise. Currently serving as an adjunct Professor at Griffith University in Queensland, Professor Attwood’s impact has enriched the global understanding of autism.
Alongside Dr Michelle Garnett, Professor Attwood co-founded Attwood & Garnett Events in 2019, driven by the shared goal of enhancing autism awareness and understanding. Their shared vision seeks to reshape the narrative surrounding autism to create a world where autism is embraced, and the diverse strengths, talents, and perspectives of autistic individuals are celebrated. This transformative narrative fosters a more inclusive and accepting society, benefitting all its members.
Renowned for his extensive contributions to understanding Asperger’s Syndrome, now commonly referred to as autism, Professor Attwood has authored numerous publications on the subject. His seminal book, Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals debuted in 1998, resonated globally and has since found its voice in over 25 languages, making his insights accessible across cultures and continents.
With a dedicated commitment to practical application, he has run a private practice for 30 years, only recently closing his books due to a long waiting list. Beyond his clinical work, he dedicates significant time to travel, sharing insights and knowledge through workshops and seminars across national and international platforms.