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Tony Attwood teamed up with Dr Kirsten Callesen and Annette Moller Nielsen of Denmark to create a powerful yet user-friendly tool that gets straight to the core of the thoughts and emotions behind behaviour.
The CAT-kit offers an easy, hands-on way for young people to communicate with adults, and each other.
Years in the making, The Cognitive Affective Training (CAT) kit is a program that consists of visual, interactive, and customizable communication elements for children and young adults. It is designed to help students become aware of how their thoughts, feelings and actions all interact and, in the process of using the various visual components, they share their insights with others. It is an easy and effective way to work with neurotypical children and young adults as well as with people with developmental disabilities.
The CAT-kit has been proven valuable in a variety of environments:
The CAT-kit elements can easily be integrated into comprehensive CBT programs.